Here is a list of the most common terms and their definitions used on LVK's order and product pages.
Order Terms
- All: Will show all the orders imported from your store.
- On hold: Will show all the orders with either a billing, fraud, address, client, or operator hold.
- Ready to ship: This means the product is in stock and the order is ready to be shipped from the LVK distribution center.
- Not ready to ship: Either products are not in stock or there is a Hold on the order.
- Backorder: List of open orders we don’t have stock for in the distribution center.
- Shipped: List of orders shipped from LVK distribution centers or any other fulfillment center and dropship.
Product Terms
- All: List of SKUs imported to LVK from your store. You can filter by active or inactive SKUs.
- Needs reorder : List of SKUs that should be reordered when an SKU reaches the Reorder Level.
- Expected: List of SKUs included in a shipping plan waiting to arrive at the LVK warehouse.
- Shipped: List of SKUs that were shipped by our Warehouse and you shipped from other Fulfillment centers or dropshipped.
- Returned: List of SKUs that are part of a replacement order and returned back to the LVK Warehouse.
- In stock: List of SKUs that are in stock at the LVK Warehouses.
- Backorder: List of SKUs that are not in stock at the LVK Warehouses.