LVK provides a SandBox account to test your store integration.
Our Support team will walk through the steps to create a new LVK account using a new email address with the SandBox account.
What can I test with a LVK SandBox account?
- Importing orders and SKUs.
- Shipping orders.
- Synchronizing inventory.
- Receiving fulfillment updates.
- RMAs generation.
Our support team will help you with the following:
- Connect a warehouse to the account.
- Receive a test Shipping Plan.
- Add inventory in LVK.
- Simulates shipping (creating and voiding a shipping label).
- Cancel the Sandbox account if the customer is no longer with LVK.
- Is there a charge for this service? No, this process will be included as part of your client experience.
- How long will my SandBox account be active? You will have access to your SandBox account for as long as you are a LVK customer.
- Will my inventory numbers be affected by the SandBox account changes? No, the SandBox account will have a test location in the system to differentiate it from the physical inventory.