Returns are an important aspect of the eCommerce journey for customers and your business. This article will walk you through the different steps and parameters available for setting up the Returns process with LVK.
Ways Customers Can Return Their Items
Setting Return Parameters
How to Charge For Return Label Cost
NOTE: You must be pre-approved for returns before getting started. Please email for pricing and approval.
Ways Customers Can Return Their Items
1. Using labels provided by LVK
If this setting is checked, your customer will have the option to receive a pay-on-use USPS return label. This makes it easier for them to return the package because they won’t have to source their own form of postage.
NOTE: Pay-on-use return labels can either be charged to the customer or to you. We will discuss this more in the Return Reasons section.
2. Using their own labels
If this setting is checked, your customer will have the option to print what we call a Self-Return label. A Self-Return label has the customer’s address on it, and the return address on it, but has no valid postage. The customer will need to provide their own postage.
Setting Return Parameters
How long after shipping will you accept items to be returned?
This field limits the number of days that an order can be returned after it has been shipped to the customer.
EXAMPLE: if you enter 30 days, the customer will have up until 30 days since the order was shipped to create a return.
Entering 0 days will disable customer returns.
To make updates to these settings, navigate to Settings > Returns.
Under Settings, you will find Returns on the right hand side. This is where you can find different options for setting up the parameters of your returns.
Which countries will you accept returns from?
- LVK accepts returns from any country if self-returned by the customer using their own shipping label
- LVK's platform only supports paid USA and Canada return shipping labels
- Returns can only be domestic shipments inside the US or Canada. International, cross-border returns are NOT supported.
- We will not provide the option for a pay-on-use return label for any returns outside the U.S and Canada
- Customers will need to provide their own postage
What happens if an item is sent to the wrong address?
If the package has already left our facility and is in transit, there is nothing we can do to get that package returned until it has been delivered to the addressee. At that point the addressee can either refuse the package or contact you to initiate a return.
For a better customer experience, we recommend sending the package to the correct address once the issue is identified, while waiting for the wrongly addressed package to be returned.
Flat rate shipping cost
- If you offer a flat rate return cost you can specify that here.
- If a customer has to pay for the return and they’ve selected a return reason that has a payment policy of “Flat Rate Shipping”, then the flat rate shipping cost will be used instead of the actual label cost when processing the refund.
Do Not Allow the Return of Items Whose Value is Less Than …
If you have a minimum return value, you can specify that here. We will prevent returns where the total cost of the items is less than your minimum return value.
Example: Let’s say you have a minimum return value of $10.00. A customer placed an order for a t-shirt that cost $5.00, and a hat that cost $3.00. If they attempt to return both those items they will not be able to because the total cost of the items is $8.00, but your minimum return value is $10.00
Where Should Returns be Sent?
This is where you decide what the default return location should be for returns done via the Return Widget. The address of the location that you select will be the address that’s shown on the return label.
Contact Details for Returns
This information is shown to customers when an error occurs during the return process, or if the return reason they’ve selected requires them to contact the merchant (you).
Phone Number
If you specify a phone number, the message shown will be “This return requires contacting the merchant: Call {phone number}”
Email Address
If you specify an email address, the message shown will be “This return requires contacting the merchant: Email {email address}”
Both Email and Phone Number
If you specify both email and phone number, the message shown will be “This return requires contacting the merchant: Call {phone number} or Email {email address}”
No Email or Phone Number
If you do not specify a phone number or email, the message shown will be “This return requires contacting the merchant”
NOTE: Returns that arrive at a LVK DC without proper identification with be disposed of. All returns should contain at least one of the following: invoice, order number, customer name.
Return Reasons
You can create and manage a list of return reasons that will be shown to your customers. The return reasons will appear on the return widget, as seen below.

The list has a few columns, we’ll discuss each in detail.
This is the text that will be shown to the customer when they need to select a reason.
You can enter a description of the reason here. This is for internal purposes only, the customer will not see this.
Return & Payment Policy
Not Returnable
The customer will not be able to create a return. -
Flat Rate Shipping
The flat rate shipping cost will be deducted from the customer’s refund instead of the actual label cost -
Return Paid by Store
No label cost will be deducted from the customer’s refund -
Return Paid by the Customer
The cost of the label will be deducted from the customer’s refund.
Required to Call the Store
If the customer selects a reason that has this option checked, they will be asked to contact the merchant (you). They will not be able to proceed with the return.
Internal Use
A reason that has this option checked will not be displayed in the return widget. It will only be displayed for you and your staff when creating internal returns.
How to Charge Customer for Return Label Cost
You won’t be charging the customer directly, but instead, the cost of the label will be deducted from the customer’s refund. In the example below, the customer returned an item that was $20.00, but they have to pay for the shipping label, which is $8.27.
Example: Instead of refunding them the $20.00, you will instead refund them $20.00 – $8.27, which will be $11.73.
NOTE: For returns from orders generated from LVK and sent following the guidelines, it should take the team 7-14 business days to complete. Anything that would be cross-border would take longer to process.