In some cases, you may want to map statuses or holds from your WooCommerce store to LVK. Here's how you can do that.
- Login to your LVK account and click Stores from the menu.
- Click the three dots at the end of the row and select "Map Statuses" from the menu. It will bring up a modal that looks like this:
3. In that modal you can map your WooCommerce statuses to statuses and holds in LVK.
For example, if you have an order that's "on-hold", you might not want us to ship that order automatically. In that case, you would map the "on-hold" order status to be on an "Operator Hold". When you're ready, you can manually remove that hold from the order in LVK and we will ship it.
NOTE: If you update the product name of an SKU in WooCommerce, it will not automatically update in LVK; you will need to adjust the product name in LVK.